This fund was instigated by long term Reading CC member Bill Blake in 2013. As Bill felt that he was no longer physically able to help at club events he generously donated one of his bikes to the club, the bike was sold and realised £660.
The proceeds of the sale were put to start the fund which is to be used to assist young Reading CC members to further their race ambitions.
Requests are invited from aspiring racing members under the age of 20 for financial assistance from this fund to further their racing ambitions. Consideration would be given to partially fund the costs of training camps, coaching, bike fits, etc.
Applications to be sent to the club secretary for the committee to decide on how the fund will be apportioned.
Any beneficiary from the fund will commit to remain a full member of Reading CC for 12 months from receipt of funding.
With more kind donations from club members the fund total now stands at £1011 and further donations to the fund would be welcomed.